Monday, August 31, 2009

On the move

We have officially added a new route driver, an addition to the office and a new delivery truck. 8 weeks into it and we are moving fast!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bottled Water Costs

Bottled water in 5 gallon jugs cost between $5 and $8.00 per bottle. You have to store these bottles, empty or full. Most companies charge you $15 a month to rent the cooler.
If you use 5 bottles of water a month, you can have an innowave machine, plumbed directly into your wall for the same price or less. Why wouldn't you?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What lurks inside your water tank?

Picture of the inside of a 5 gallon water cooler like many offices have. Yikes!

Monday, August 17, 2009

What do you know about bottled water?

Did you know?
-As much as 60% of bottled water comes straight from your city water supply?
- Their is no FDA regulation for water that is bottled and sold in the same state? So if your water isn't traveling across state lines to get to you, no guarantees.
- Because the water that is bottled in state isn't subject to the same scrutiny as other bottled water, the manufacturers aren't responsible for testing for e. coli bacteria and chemicals etc.
- There is not a single bottled water manufacturer in the state of Mississippi that has the National Sanitation Foundation seal of approval? This means that no one has passed their rigorous test for water safety.
- The Water Defense Fund and others state that you are just as well of drinking tap water and if nothing else, you will save billions of tons of plastic from being dumped into the market?

Don't you think a filtered water cooler is worth looking at? I am not sure I would want to bathe in bottled water now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is the Solution for unsafe water?

We Have A Way With Water.
WaterMax® is a patented, comprehensive water treatment system; truly the right water cleaner for our age of conservation -- the world's most efficient water treatment system.
From our computerized solid-state Systems Control to our exclusive directional flow screens, only the most advanced manufacturing processes and materials have been used to build WaterMax®. We employ the most innovative engineers in the industry and have won 7 U.S. patents ensuring that WateMax® provides years of trouble-free water treatment in your home, which is why it is known throughout the world.
The WaterMax will work for you in ensuring that your entire house receives the benefits of soft, clean water. You’ll be able to taste the freshness of sweet corn, feel the softness of a new shirt and say goodbye to that film around the tub. And it won’t just do good work, it will look good too. The styling of a WaterMax® is as impressive as its operational capabilities. There simply is no better looking unit on the market today. Even the texture of the cabinet is quality you can feel.
Take a closer look at The Right Solution for:
More Resin. More Softening Capacity.
Hague uses high-capacity fine mesh resin, vacuum VIBRAPACKED™ for maximum treatment of hardness in your water.
Regenerates On Demand, By Calendar Or By Exact Water Usage.
The flexibility of the solid-state Systems Control makes it possible. A low voltage 12 VAC transformer powers the Systems Control and once it is set, no other maintenance is required except the periodic addition of salt or salt substitute. The Systems Control even let’s you know if there’s a leak in your household plumbing fixtures.
About Our Control Valve…
• The Hydro-Slide Piston is the only internal moving part and is Teflon® encapsulated for years of trouble-free operation. Hague’s valve has been tested for over 100,000 cycles with no detectable wear.• Built-in Bypass offers convenient single-handle operation• Blending Valve is installer-adjusted to precisely match your softness preference.• Test Port offers easy access for water testing• 1” Valve• Valve position is controlled by WaterMax® exclusive magnetic technology – no solenoids or switches.
What is Absolute Brining?
It’s a Hague exclusive feature which adjusts the salt dosage to the exact amount required for each regeneration. It means that the WaterMax® never wastes salt or water.
What’s More…
• High flow rate: 13 gpm at 15 psi pressure drop• Whole-house, self-cleaning filter reduces dirt and sediment to a nominal 20 microns – smaller than the eye can see. No cartridges to change.• Regeneration as short as 12 minutes• Uses as little as 14 gallons of water per regeneration• Removes more than 5,000 grains of hardness per 1 pound of salt or salt substitute
Ask your independent dealer for a copy!
…Plus A Full Line Of Customized Whole-house Filters To Treat:
• Chlorine tastes and odors• Iron• Sediment.• Sulfur• Acid Water• Tannin• Bacteria

Why Worry about too much Chlorine in My Shower Water?

Taken From:

Why filter Your Shower Water?
Chlorine is a toxic chemical. It is used in water treatment to reduce and kill forms of biological agents, such as bacteria and viruses found in water systems. Chlorine is harmful to you when you drink it and when it is absorbed into our skin and inhaled into your lungs when you shower. It has been estimated that the "shower steam" in your bathroom can contain up to 100 times the amount of chlorine than the water, because chlorine evaporates out of water at a relatively low temperature. If you bathe or shower in unfiltered tap water you are inhaling and absorbing chlorine into your body.
Conditions contributed to or aggravated by chlorine exposure: · Respiratory Conditions (nose, throat, lungs, sinuses): Asthma, bronchitis · Hair: Dry, brittle · Skin: Dry, flaking, dandruff, itching, rashes (especially with infants and children) · Eyes conditions
Chlorine is universally used to chemically disinfect water. It kills germs, bacteria and other living organisms. Chlorine readily passes through the cell wall and attaches to the fatty acids of the cell, disrupting the life sustaining functions. The human body is composed of billions of cells. Most people are aware that the quality of their drinking water can be improved by filtering their tap water or buying bottled water. However, many do not realize that they are addressing only a part of the problem.
One half of our daily chlorine exposure is from showering. Chlorine is not only absorbed through the skin, but also re-vaporized in the shower, inhaled into the lungs, and transferred directly into the blood system. In fact, the chlorine exposure from one shower is equal to an entire day's amount of drinking the same water. Drinking filtered or bottled water only does half the job. For people who are concerned about their health and are willing to take the responsibility to do something about it, the Sprite Shower Filter is an affordable solution to the problem.
Showering in Chlorinated Water: Quotes from Respected Authorities
Americans are becoming more aware of the contaminants in our nation's water supplies and many are installing water filters to purify their drinking water. Yet most continue to bathe and shower straight from the tap, unaware that inhaling unfiltered shower vapors (steam) is more harmful than actually drinking the water itself. During a shower, toxic chloroform evaporates into the surrounding air you breathe. In addition, The Center for Study of Responsive Law's, Troubled Water on Tap report, states that over 2,100 contaminants have been found in drinking water. Of those 2,100, 190 are known to cause adverse health effects. In total, 97 carcinogens, 82 mutagens and suspected mutagens (cause cell mutations), 23 tumor promoters and 28 acute and chronic toxic contaminants have been detected in U.S. drinking water. According to East West magazine, consumers should purchase shower head filters which remove chlorine and other contaminants to prevent exposure to chloroform [and other toxic substances]." -Center for Study of Responsive Law, Consumers Research Magazine, East West, July 1989.
"A long, hot shower can be dangerous. The toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations." - Bottom Line - August 1987, J Andelman, Ph. D.
"We conclude that skin absorption of contaminants in drinking water has been underestimated and that ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure." -American Journal of Public Health, May, 1984, Vol. 74, No. 5
"Ironically, even the Chlorine widely used to disinfect water produces Carcinogenic traces. Studies indicate the suspect chemicals can also be inhaled and absorbed through the skin during showering and bathing." - U. S. News & World Report - 29 July 1991, Is your Water Safe - The Dangerous State of Your Water
"Taking showers is a health risk, according to research presented last week in a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Showers - and to a lesser extent baths - lead to a greater exposure to toxic chemicals contained in water supplies than does drinking water. The chemicals evaporate out of the water and are inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others." - New Scientist -18 September 1986, Ian Anderson
"Studies have documented the presence in the drinking water of many potentially toxic volatile organic chemicals (VOC's)- from chloroform and pesticides to carbon tetrachloride. Such findings have spurred investigations into the inhalation hazards these compounds may pose when released in the air during baths and showers. However, because shower and tub equipment, as well as other design features, differed widely in these experiments, air releases for a single VOC could vary up to 10-fold from one studied system to another." -John C. Little, Lawrence Berkeley (California) Laboratory, Science News, August 15, 1992
"The steamy air of a shower contains significant amounts of a least two cancer-causing chemicals that evaporate out of water." -J Andelman, Professor of Water Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
"Almost two decades have passed since known or suspected human carcinogens were first found in municipal water supplies. One of them, chloroform, produced by the chlorination process, exposes millions of Americans. The potential for a major public health problem is unquestionably there, and yet, progress has been slow." -Dr. Peter Isacson, M.D., Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Iowa College of Medicine
"Skin absorption of contaminant has been underestimated and ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure." - American Journal of-Public Health - Dr. Halina Brown
"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water. Chloroform [a known carcinogen] levels increase up to 100 times during a ten-minute shower in residential water" - Environmental Protection Agency - Dr. Lance Wallace
"I tell my friends to take quick, cold showers", said Julian B. Andelman, Professor of Water Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, who claimed that the longer and hotter the shower, the more chemicals build up in the air. San Jose Mercury News, September 11, 1986
"Many investigators have reported on the toxicity and unexpected high penetration rates of volatile organic chemicals." -American Journal of Public Health
"A Professor of Water Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh claims that exposure to vaporized chemicals in the water supplies through showering, bathing, and inhalation is 100 greater than through drinking the water." - The Nader Report, Troubled Waters on Tap - Center for Study of Responsive Law
"The National Academy of Sciences estimates that 200 to 1000 people die in the United States each year from cancers caused by ingesting the contaminants in water. The major health threat posed by these pollutants is far more likely to be from their inhalation as air pollutants. The reason that emissions are high is because water droplets dispersed by the shower head have a larger surface-to-value ratio than water streaming into the bath." - Science News-Vol. 130, Janet Raloff

Effects of Chlorine in Drinking Water

Taken from:

The U.S. General Accounting Office reports that there are serious deficiencies in water treatment plants in 75% of the states. More than 120 million people (about 50% of the population) may get unsafe water according to a study conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

U.S. Health Officials estimate 900,000 people each year become ill - and possibly 900 die - from waterborne disease. The General Accounting Office estimates 66% of Safe Drinking Water Act violations aren’t reported.

The contamination of water is directly related to the degree of contamination of our environment. Rainwater flushes airborne pollution from the skies, and then washes over the land before running into the, rivers, aquifers, and lakes that supply our drinking water. Any and all chemicals generated by human activity can and will find their way into water supplies.

The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, poisonous, greenish-yellow gas that has a suffocating odor and is 2 1/2 times heavier than air. Chlorine belongs to the group of elements called halogens. The halogens combine with metals to form compounds called halides. Chlorine is manufactured commercially by running an electric current through salt water. This process produces free chlorine, hydrogen, and sodium hydroxide. Chlorine is changed to its liquid form by compressing the gas, the resulting liquid is then shipped. Liquid chlorine is mixed into drinking water and swimming pools to destroy bacteria.

Until recently, concerns about drinking water focused on eliminating pathogens. The chlorine used to reduce the risk of infectious disease may account for a substantial portion of the cancer risk associated with drinking water. Chlorination of drinking water was a major factor in the reduction in the mortality rates associated with waterborne pathogen. The use of chlorine was believed to be safe. This view is evident in an article, which appeared on the back page of the New York Times. The report stated that with the use of chlorine, "Any municipal water supply can be made as pure as mountain spring water. Chlorination destroys all animal and microbial life, leaving no trace of itself afterwards". This statement reflected opinion accepted until recent years when halogenated organic compounds, such as chloroform, were identified in chlorinated drinking water supplies. Recent surveys show that these compounds are common in water supplies throughout the United States.

These concerns about cancer risks associated with chemical contamination from chlorination by-products have resulted in numerous epidemiological studies. These studies generally support the notion that by-products of chlorination are associated with increased cancer risks.

Chlorine is used to combat microbial contamination, but it can react with organic matter in the water and form dangerous, carcinogenic Trihalomethanes. According to Dr. Joseph M. Price, MD, in Moseby's Medical Dictionary, "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison".

In a 1992 study that made front-page headlines, and was reported on in the July issue of the American Journal of Public Health researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee found that people who regularly drink tap water containing high levels of chlorine by-products have a greater risk of developing bladder and rectal cancers than people who drink unchlorinated water. The study estimates that about 9 percent of all bladder cancer and 18 percent of all rectal cancer cases are associated with long-term consumption of these by-products. This amounts to over 20,000 new cases each year.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Elite Water and Coffee was founded in 2007 in Jackson, MS. This our first blogging venture. I will periodically be posting about items such as coffee selection, water quality studies etc. Please keep checking with us.