Monday, August 17, 2009

What do you know about bottled water?

Did you know?
-As much as 60% of bottled water comes straight from your city water supply?
- Their is no FDA regulation for water that is bottled and sold in the same state? So if your water isn't traveling across state lines to get to you, no guarantees.
- Because the water that is bottled in state isn't subject to the same scrutiny as other bottled water, the manufacturers aren't responsible for testing for e. coli bacteria and chemicals etc.
- There is not a single bottled water manufacturer in the state of Mississippi that has the National Sanitation Foundation seal of approval? This means that no one has passed their rigorous test for water safety.
- The Water Defense Fund and others state that you are just as well of drinking tap water and if nothing else, you will save billions of tons of plastic from being dumped into the market?

Don't you think a filtered water cooler is worth looking at? I am not sure I would want to bathe in bottled water now.

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